
Welcome future developer

In this page you will find a lot of tips for become a software developer/Frontend developer. I will try to explain how to start with different approaches, which videos to watch, which tutorials have helped me, code repositories, which technologies to learn and how not to get lost along the way.


-JavaScript is one of the most used programming languages around the world, mainly used on the client side, and Thanks to him we can create dynamic websites. Learning JS is crucial to becoming a Frontend developer.

JS as a Universal language

Over time, JavaScript has begun to be used as multipurpose language, in other words, it can be used in other areas of software development;

  1. -Engineering: small electronic boards such as Arduino and Raspberry Pi, among others, can be programmed.
  2. -Mobile applications: With JavaScript we can create applications that interact directly with the operating system of the cell phones, this specifically is done frameworks or libraries of javascript like Reactjs
  3. -Servers: With Nodejs we can create servers high reliability and security that receive and process multiple application requests.
  4. -Amoung other topic such as Machine learning and Web 3.

Where can I learn this?

Frecodecamp JavaScript-info JS_in_spanish Dev.to-Youtube


CSS means Cascade Style Sheet, We use CSS to define the styles of our websites, margins, backgrounds, borders, colors, animaciones,etc.

The 2 most popular CSS frameworks are:

  1. TailwindCSS

    It stands out for its simplicity of learning and use, it is a great option if you want to have control over most of the styles of your websites.

  2. Bootstrap

    It focuses on giving you out-of-the-box components such as navigation bars, menus, buttons, tables, cards, and more things... The big drawback is the lack of control over styles, in other words, web pages designed with Bootstrap look a lot like each other.

Where can I learn this?

TailwindCSS Bootstrap Web.dev W3schools


HTML means HyperText Markup Language, we use HTML to define the structure inside the websites. HTML let us to define where is gonna be the buttons, navbars, menus, links, header, footer. It also allows us to decide where a button is going to go, where a title goes, a paragraph and so on with all kinds of things that we can place on a web page.

Where can I learn this?

Html.com Freecodecamp

Git and GitHub


Git is a distributed version control system, which means that a local clone of the project is a complete version control repository. These functionally working local repositories allow you to work offline or remotely with ease.


GitHub is a portal created to host the code of the applications of any developer. GitHub allows you to copy, edit, update, and share any type of code, no matter what programming language you're using.

Where can I learn this?

Git GitHub

Visual Studio Code

VSCode is a IDE, in others words is a editor code. VSCode allows us to edit, build and debug our code. It has a file system that allows us to create folders and files within our projects quickly. It also has code coloring that makes writing code much easier. It has many extensions to work with all the technologies we use in software development.

Where can I download?
